Monday, November 13, 2006

Celebrate Diversity With Us Next Sunday

Location for Celebrate Diversity! -- Wagner College, 1 Campus Road, Staten Island
For directions and a map, see our calendar, click on Wagner College
Celebrate Diversity with the Mosaic Coalition
A Family Event Celebrating Our Roots
November 2006 - A Special Issue of Exchange On Line
To all our friends and colleagues --

We hope you and your family will join us this Sunday afternoon. Celebrate Diversity! brings together hundreds of our friends and neighbors to learn about the customs and traditions that make us unique.

Each year we spotlight a handful of countries. This year we are pleased to honor Ghana, Norway, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic.

Come share good food, music, dance, and camaraderie. Yes, it's this coming Sunday afternoon and it's free admission for all.

Celebrate Diversity with Us!
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Spotlight on Our Neighbors
Enjoy the music and colorful costumes as our neighbors from this year's honored cultures share their performances and acknowledge their civic leaders.
  • 2:00 PM Sri Lanka
  • 2:40 PM Philippines
  • 3:20 PM Norway
  • 4:00 PM Dominican Republic
  • 4:40 PM Ghana
  • 5:20 PM Student Banner & Essay Awards
  • 5:45 PM Remembering Victims of Hate Crimes - a moment of silence and a Community Sing-A-Long - "We Are The World"

Activities for Children

Your children can have their 'passports' stamped as they travel from country to country in the Marketplace. A full passport merits a Celebrate Diversity! T-shirt.

An ethnic-themed puppet show will inspire your children to make their own puppets. Paint will flow on faces, child-designed t-shirts, and coloring projects. Children's stories, theater readings, and sing-a-longs will introduce them to the various cultures. And, prizes, prizes, prizes!

Celebrate Diversity!
Visit the Marketplace and performance stage. These pictures from past Celebrate Diversity! events capture some of the wonderful variety and color of the afternoon.
Irish pipers & drummers
Celebrate Diversity! Pipers and drummers share their Irish heritage.
Albanian Dancers
The rich costumes of the Albanian dancers capture our imagination. Through music and dance we travel around the world.
Mexican Dancers
Playing games together helps break down barriers. When you share laughter and tears, stories, and food, the world seems a bit smaller and our community much more friendly.
Mosaic Coalition
Celebrate Diversity! is planned and executed by the Mosaic Coalition at their monthly potluck supper-meetings. If you would like to learn about the cultures and traditions that make our community rich, please join us.

This annual event is co-sponsored by the NY Center and Wagner College. It's part of our commitment to 'Strengthen Community.'

I look forward to seeing you Sunday. And, please forward this to your friends and family. Encourage them to join you there.

Dom Brancato signature

Dominick J. Brancato, Executive Director
NY Center for Interpersonal Development


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