Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Introducing Kathy Vaughan

Hello! Bonjour! Sawubona! Konnichiwa! Dia Duit! Jambo!

A hundred thousand welcomes to my first online blog.

So…who am I? I am a dispute resolution professional who provides direct service, trains and teaches…plus I love to dance and enjoy different cultural traditions. Why? Well, I love the mix of interacting with different people through mediation and providing a process that empowers them to share information and make decisions, while at the same time challenging myself to convey these concepts to others (especially young people in an educational setting who are always ready to test and laugh at me!)

I like to say, “Have suitcase, will travel,” and I am not kidding. I go as often to the ends of this city as I do the ends of this earth as part of my involvement and interest in the field. I participate in the larger dispute resolution community in my area, mediating in different community programs and on different rosters in the 5 boroughs of our city. I also look up DR professionals when I am abroad, most recently in the country whose main language is listed above. Can you guess?

I look forward to trying to make this blog informational, entertaining and engaging. I look forward to blogging with you.


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