Thursday, October 05, 2006

Stimulate your Students' Systems!

Hey All,

Michael here and I am coming to you with another brain teaser.

If you keep your kids guessing - you'll keep them thinking!

So the question is:

What is special about these four words?
what, hole, ales, test

The answer is right in there with the words!
Or at this link here below:;id=14660;comm=0

Keep these little teasers saved somewhere so that you can use them to get classes started. You can also use them as extra-credit or for contests!



Ruth Wahtera said...

It took me awhile, but I got it. I attribute how long it took to the late hour. It couldn't be my brain!

~Michael~ said...

Ruth -

Of course not you're in fine fiddle, my dear!

Have a great weekend.