Monday, May 12, 2008

To Curb Truancy, Dallas Tries Electronic Monitoring - New York Times

Ask your students, parents, and staff: What do you think of using an electronic positioning system to combat truancy? Texas is testing it and, so far, it seems to be working.

Read the NY Times article. Talk about it. Take the poll below.

To Curb Truancy, Dallas Tries Electronic Monitoring - New York Times: "Jaime used to snooze until 2 p.m. before strolling into school. He fell so far behind that he is failing most of his classes and school officials sent him to truancy court.

Instead of juvenile detention, Jaime was selected by a judge to be enrolled in a pilot program at Bryan Adams in which chronically truant students are monitored electronically. Since Jaime started carrying the Global Positioning System unit April 1, he has had perfect attendance."

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