Friday, April 13, 2007

Preventing Drug Abuse among Children and Adolescents

If you have children, or work with children, you should take a look at this updated publication from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. They offer both a brief pamphlet and a complete edition useful for program planning. Both are free for download.

Preventing Drug Abuse among Children and Adolescents

"This In Brief Web edition provides highlights from the Preventing Drug Use among Children and Adolescents: A Research-Based Guide for Parents, Educators, and Community Leaders, Second Edition booklet. It presents the updated prevention principles, an overview of program planning, and critical first steps for those learning about prevention."Preventing Drug Abuse among Children and Adolescents - Index:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

According to different surveys 12% of boys and 1% of girls have chewed tobacco or used snuff. Smokeless tobacco is just as addictive and harmful as tobacco that is smoked. 18% of high school seniors are daily smokers; 11% smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day. 70% of all children try cigarettes, 40% of them before they have reached high school.

Its really sad. We all need to now step up and try and do as much as we can to prevent drug abuse amongst the children and adolescents.

Suffering from an addiction. This website has a lot of great resources and treatment centers.